Ponyboy Book Reports

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Would you want your city to be separated into two cliques, and if you associate with the other clique, you could be killed? The main character, Ponyboy, has to deal with this every day, and events in the book make his life harder, but with the help of the author, S.E. Hinton, Ponyboy’s family and friends helps him overcome these tough times and settings. Many stories have interesting characters and a enticing setting, not unlike this one. Ponyboy is a 14 year old Greaser which means his family is poor, unlike his rivals, the Socs, who are very wealthy. He is smart and loves to read, although his favorite book, Gone With The Wind reminds him of Johnny, his best friend. Ponyboy has two brothers, Sodapop and Darry; he has a good relationship with …show more content…

Johnny is scared and uses a switchblade to protect himself, killing a Soc. Afraid to go home, Johnny turns to their friend Dally for help. Dally gives them $50 and a loaded gun and tells them to hide out at the abandoned church in Windrixville. They spend the night there and in the morning, Ponyboy and Johnny give each other haircuts, cutting off their long hair to hide their identities. After several days, Dally comes and takes them to Dairy Queen to tell them that the Socs and Greasers are having a war. As they are driving back to their hometown, they see that the church is on fire. Ponyboy and Johnny go in to save the kids, but Johnny is injured by a falling beam, breaking his back. Both boys are taken to the hospital and Ponyboy is released while Johnny must stay. After several days of worry for Johnny, the Socs and Greasers have their rumble with the Greasers victorious. Ponyboy and his friends go to the hospital to bring the news to Johnny but after only a few moments of visiting, Johnny dies. After a few days, Ponyboy goes to a court hearing for the Soc’s death, but nothing happens to him. Then Ponyboy goes back to school and has to write a report on something important to him. When he gets home that day he picks up the book he had been reading to Johnny, Gone With The Wind, and finds a note inside that says what Ponyboy’s favorite poem means. Johnny’s note says that the poem means when you

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