Polygyny Essay

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The term polygyny refers to the marriage of one man with two or more women. Where the women involved are sisters it is termed sororal polygyny. Though we are going to focus on nonsororal polygyny (co-wives are not sisters) because its occurrence is much more common. For years, anthropologists have been putting forward motives that explain the persistence of polygyny throughout the world. It typically has a strong economic and political function in the establishment of descent ties among groups as well as providing men with a route to power and influence. Anthropologists also argue that the polygyny custom can be religiously sanctioned especially in many Muslim societies. However in some cases, polygyny has emerged in societies that practice a long post-partum sex taboos. What is most concerning about this practice is its impact on gender relations. It is commonly thought that polygyny acts to reinforce and perpetuate gender inequality through cultural norms. Particular attention must be paid to power relations between husbands and wives as well as the imposition of strict gender roles and denying women basic rights. Polygyny is very much not an uncommon practice and continues to be widespread in numerous human societies.

There is no community that is more commonly associated with polygyny than are Arab Muslims. The typical Arab Muslim is frequently depicted as possessing a ‘harem’ of veiled wives especially in varieties of literature, movies, plays etc. It is obvious that this representation is based to some extent on the past behavior of some Arab Muslims, as well as on an Islamic principle which is illustrated by the Koranic verse “Marry women of your choice, Two, or three, or four; But if ye fear that ye shall not, Be able ...

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Polygyny is considered to be one of the most common forms of polygamy that you can find in all the region of the world where these practices are popular. Sociologists and anthropologists have made several efforts to find the cause of polygyny. These reasons vary from economically benefits to the barrenness of a wife. Though in the last couple of decades, polygyny has been the focus of a significant growth in public, political and academic awareness especially due to its effect on gender relations. The effects of this practice can be seen to be detrimental to women; psychologically and at times physically and sexually. Not only because the practice oppress and undermine women but also because it allows for gender inequality to persist. Polygyny reinforces a husband’s superiority whilst the wife occupies a subordinate role in marriage and ultimately in society.

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