Political Subculture Essay

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Question #3
Daniel Elazar was the person who found that there are three political culture types in the United States. He has a very well-known quote/definition that is “Attitudes, values, beliefs, and orientations that individuals in a society hold regarding their political system.” The take away from that definition of what political culture is that every person has a certain attitude that they feel about the government. Which he stated that to better understand the relationship towards the government and its people it to get a better understanding on how those people feel towards their government. Daniel Elazar broke them down to three subcultures in which he thought could group all Americans into each category. This theory about the government …show more content…

In this subculture a person’s man concern is not the “good for society” unlike the moral political culture. Instead of trying to promote issues and not making the government intervene with issues. This type of political culture wants people to have a small government. This subculture also the Midwest but in a mixed way and parts of the North East in a dominant …show more content…

They both have separation of powers although the Texas have a weak separation of powers. The Texas Constitution is very long and the United States constution is short in comparison to the United States Constitution. They are both bicameral and for each official it is the voters that choose the officials. Texas can however make laws that go against the United States constition but regardless the United States constitution is the highest law of the land. Other differences are the time period in which they were written. The Texas Constitution was written in 1875 while the united states constitution was written in 1789 and was effective on March 4, 1789. Both the people who wrote the each constitution were a group of white males who are referred to as “framers.” The Texas Constitution can change and grow through one method which is numbered amendment and the United States can change and gor through two. Which is also a numbdeed amendment and judicial

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