Political Reflectness In Robert Townsend's 'Why We Laugh'

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Robert Townsend’s documentary Why We Laugh tells the chronological story of Black comedy. The film explores the comedians who have made us laugh since 1901, the nature of their humor, and the social and political contexts behind their comedy. By combining past footage and photographs with interviews featuring comics, cultural specialists, and scholars; Why We Laugh intends to create digestible content across a multimedia platform that will ignite meaningful discourse and change. The film illustrates how Black comedians have challenged notions of political correctness throughout American history. Why We Laugh follows this evolution of political correctness starting in 1901 with the use of Black face. In the early 1900s minstrel shows, white people dressed up as black people and portrayed them as lazy and stupid amongst other negative stereotypes. During this time, a black face was considered a politically correct form of comedic entertainment. However, in recent years, many white college students have received criticism for dressing in Black face for Halloween. What was once a regula...

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