Political Protests

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In light of recent event, i.e. the election of Donald Trump as the United States President, thousands of people have taken to social medias such as Facebook and Twitter. They are writing posts about their political and personal views about this election causing an uprising in the comments section. People banter back and forth as to whether this is the end of the United States as we know it or if Donald Trump will do a good job as president. These people have also taken to the streets, organizing political protests and rallies, which is kind of like what the four African Americans teens in Greensboro, North Carolina in 1960 did. Although their cause was more severe and the punishments for their activism were more extreme, the bases behind the …show more content…

The ties between the protesters may be weak but that doesn’t make the ties between the protesters and the protest any weaker. Everyone shows up for his or her own reason, to back their own personal values and that makes for strong ties between the person and the issue. It’s all about the ties the person has with the issues not the other people. We don’t show up to protests just to support our friends; we should up to support our …show more content…

The fact that we are able to post to a Facebook page saying come to the rally at 2pm at the EMU and thousands of students and faculty members will show up is nothing short of amazing. There is no need for strong emotional ties to one another, all we need is the shared ideas and values that we are all out there protesting for. Gladwell also said that “The platform of social media are built around weak ties” (406), and I don’t disagree with that. Social media keeps you connected with family and friends that you rarely see but also people you barely know. Which may make those ties between you and your followers weak, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that you can post of idea or arrange one protest and thousands of people could see it and participate in it. Regardless of the strength of the ties you’re still having your voice be heard and that’s enough to spark a revolution. So in conclusion, the revolution should and will be tweeted because that’s how you get people involved that might have never been able to be involved. Posting about a protests or rally on social medias is not only easier but it is more effective. You will get a bigger turn out of people who have just as much passion for the issue that you do. Whether they are your family or friends or maybe even complete strangers that doesn’t change the fact that they are there for themselves

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