Polio Vaccination Pros And Cons

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Many viruses have come under fire lately as more and more parents are choosing to not inoculate their children against many debilitating diseases. Polio vaccination has raised my interest because there is lots of new research and programs coming out to eradicate polio for good. I believe in the polio vaccination, and all the good it has done to help prevent a debilitating disease. There are many arguments out there that seem very likable, especially for parents that are trying the all-natural route, and trying to lessen the pain their child must go through every time they go to a doctor. Wild polio is no longer a problem, the last time it was diagnosed was back in 1999, and the main problem that we are seeing today is polio coming from the vaccination that is supposed to make us immune. …show more content…

At its peak, polio paralyzed and killed up to half a million people every year, before Jonas Salk invented a vaccine in 1955. What parents are not realizing is there may be a new outbreak, due to the traveling capacities we have now a days. Children from other countries that receive the trivalent form of the polio vaccination, could in fact infect a child that has not been inoculated. This would then spread like wild fire to the other children of that community or neighboring communities. A systematic approach of the whole world is needed to eradicate polio once and for all, so the polio vaccination can be safely no longer given as part of our mirage of vaccinations. To understand how this virus was so lethal we need to delve into how this virus works and what paths it takes in its quest of paralyzing

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