Police Use Of Force Essay

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Use of Force
Law enforcement officers play an important role within the jurisdiction they work for because they take an oath to protect individual’s rights and freedoms, prevent crimes, and maintain the public order. It is essential to have strong and highly responsible police agencies because without them it will be difficult for society to function properly. Police officers across the United States are granted powers and authority, which allow them reasonable use of force. Officers are trained to use different levels of force that is taken at the discretion of the officer because every situation is different. Those who use reasonable force to diffuse a sistuation in the correct manner are eligible for qualified immunity. Today, officers who violate a person’s right by using unreasonable force or causing their death, are being heavily scrutinized by the public and are being charged and prosecuted at a higher rate than in the previous ten years, which have been amplified by the …show more content…

The first form of force is not physical, but its verbal commands, warning, gestures that is identified as constructive force. Physical contact is the second form of force, which is identified as an officer having procedural contact with a subject such as handcuffing or patting them down. Next is physical force, which is beyond what is it usually used to arrest a person and it’s when officers use arm locks or other forms of physical restraints to control an individual. The use of a baton or chemical spray are known as mechanical force and are tools use to on subjects who are resisting the commands of a police officer. The final form of force is deadly force and it is when a law enforcement officer does not have another option, but to use his or her firearm to protect the public and themselves (Schwartz and Virga,

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