Police Brutality Report

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For many years police officers in America have been able to abuse their authority and caused unnecessary and excessive violence towards the civilians in their own community.

There are many current problems with increased Brutality and different people who encounter police brutality experience it in different ways. Police brutality, can be expressed verbally, physically and emotionally. Ask of police brutality include excessive force, false arrest or imprisonment, wrongful prosecution, unreasonable searches and rights to pretrial detention meant detainment. America has been ranked with one of the highest rates of police brutality in the world and has been ongoing for many years. Police officers who demonstrate police brutality have gone …show more content…

Police officers in America should face more serious and suitable punishments if there is a fatal outcome when apprehending a suspect. Police officers in America who demonstrates police brutality and cause death do not get punished over their action because it is considered to society as lawful and reasonable. Police should receive a greater form of punishment if the victim of the police brutality has serious injuries. More serious consequences to police officers will encourage them not to demonstrate unnecessary and excessive actions to the suspects they are trying to apprehend. Tulsa officer Betty Shelby fatally shot 40 year old Terence Crutcher on September 16 2015 and filed with the charge of first degree murder after Shelby (2015) “reacted unreasonably by escalating the situation from a confrontation with Mr. Crutcher, who was not responding to verbal commands”. If convicted, Shelby faces between four years and life in prison. Tulsa Mayor Dewey Bartlett (2015) said “Our goal now is to ensure that this never happens to another innocent citizen, we’re going to break the chains of injustice. We’re going to break the chains of police brutality.”

This case relates to my thesis because its shows that when a police officer uses excessive and unnecessary methods to apprehend …show more content…

Most fatal outcomes caused by police officers have happened due to the suspect having possessions of a unregistered firearms. “At this time of writing this article, there have been 821 incidence of people have been shot and killed this year by police, and of those, 649 of those killed possessed a deadly weapon at the time, while 614 followed violent crimes i.e. shootout, stabbing, hostage situations ,assault Etc. “ says the Statistic America Firearms (2015) . Statistic show that the leading cause of murders and deaths in America are caused by firearms and guns. Roughly 14,249 murders were committed in the United States during 2014. Of these, about 9675 or 68% were committed with firearms, 22% are from police officers. This relates to my thesis because it shows that the increase in gun control has led to ongoing police brutality and police misconduct and police should face more serious crimes for handling situations unreasonably and

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