Police Booking System

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When a person violates a criminal law, society’s traditions generally demand that society should take some action against the person: an arrest should be made. In order for a police officer to make a lawful arrest he must have probable cause to justify the detention of a suspect. An arrest generally involves a person being taken into custody, where the person is not allowed to leave freely. Afterward, the accuser is taken to a local jail facility where the person is booked (Aberle, 2014). The booking process consists of recording the arrest in official law enforcement records, fingerprinting, photographing, and obtaining personal information from the suspect, such as name, address, birthday, and other identities. The police officer performs …show more content…

Police, courts, and corrections are separated government institutions with different goals, histories, and operating procedures. Law enforcement officials report crimes that happen in their area. Officers investigate crimes and gather evidence to identify and use against a presumed perpetrator. Thus, it is the duty of the officer to uphold the rights of offenders, victims, and to conduct police procedures within rules set by law. Depending on the nature of the crime and the evidence gathered it is up to the police discretion to make an arrest or issue a citation for the accused to appear in court. The law enforcement has responsibilities that no other component does, thus an officer does not decide the defendant’s conviction; the jury does (Neubauer and Fradella, …show more content…

The process begins with an incident reported to the police officer and that police officer may arrest an individual based upon probable cause. The offender is taken to a jail facility where he or she is booked. Now, based on the crime committed the suspect may post bail and if bail is not granted he or she must await trial. In trial, the jury decides if there is enough evidence to indict the accused of the crime. The judge will convict the offender and punish him for the crime committed. It is essential for one to be familiar with the criminal justice process to ensure your rights and decisions are constitutionally

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