Pokemon Go

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New Game Takes Over The Streets There is no escaping. They surround us. You can’t run, you can’t hide. They are everywhere. They are Pokemon. Most of the community have heard about this new game called Pokemon Go. The game has come out last summer. It is a virtual reality in which players of the game can catch fantasy creatures called Pokemon. The original games came out in 1996. Those were played on gameboys. Now the new game is on a phone so that is why so many people know about it.

Most people know what it is by either playing it themselves, a friend playing it, or just hearing it in the internet. A lot of people play, even if they don’t know what pokemon are. It is so popular that it has turned into jokes and memes. The game is also meant to get people out of the house because you have to walk to hatch any eggs you get and to find any pokemon. After catching one you also have to walk to level up. The game also inspires people to travel because if you want to get a specific thing in the game you will have to go to different places to achieve that. …show more content…

Some teenagers are even coming out of their room to play this addicting game. Another thing that this is used for is for the pokestops. Pokestops are places that you can stop at to collect things you might need like pokeballs, medicine, and sometimes eggs. Even small businesses or stores or restaurants use these by buying a pokestop to put in their place. This helps the business by draw in people in so that they are more likely to spend money there. Using the lures is not a bad idea for public use, but if used incorrectly it could lead to

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