
502 Words2 Pages


Pneumonia is a serious infection or inflammation of your lungs.

There are two main types Pneumonia one of these is bacterial

pneumonia. This can attack anyone from infants to the very old. People

who are alcoholics, debilitated, post-operative patients, people with

respiratory diseases or viral infections and people who have weakened

immune systems are at greater risk. Pneumonia bacteria are present in

some healthy throats. When body defences are weakened in some way, by

illness, old age, malnutrition, general debility or impaired immunity,

the bacteria can multiply and cause serious damage. Usually, when a

person's resistance is lowered, bacteria work their way into the lungs

and inflame the air sacs and a person's temperature may rise as high

as 105 degrees F.

The other one is viral pneumonia. Half of all pneumonias are believed

to be caused by viruses. More and more viruses are being identified as

the cause of respiratory infection, and though most attack the upper

respiratory tract, some produce pneu...

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