Pluto: A Short Story

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There's a snail on Pluto! No really! The scientific world feels like it's stuck in the middle of a cyclone, and I am in the very center. For many months after they first saw the satellite pictures, scientists all around the world just sat and stared and wondered. No one did anything. They couldn't find it in themselves to do something about this scientific phenomenon. Finally a Mr. William Bright decided that something needed to be done. He got managed to join scientists all over the world to come up with a solution. They decided to send me to Pluto. Me! Finnaly going into space to learn about something that might change the world forever. When Mr. Bright first asked me if I would go I was dumbfounded. How in the world was I a lowly scientist, who was barely out of Grad School, was going to learn about something that baffled the entire world! Of course I said yes. How could I not. So on January 4 2018 …show more content…

I don't know how close we are but I sure hope that it is not going to take us another 98 days to get to Pluto. Jill and Bill got in a fight and for the past month they haven't talked to eachother even a smidge. Ms. Ford and I have tried to get them to reconcile but to no avail. They apparently can't spend this much time together cooped up in such a small space. And if we are going to spend the next 98 days stuck together in this hostile atmsosphere I might eject and try and swim through space back to earth. Thankfully my phone battery still hasn't died yet because I only try to use it for a couple minutes every day. You'd be surprised how much techonology has develped since when I was in highschool. Phones needed to be charged like once a day back than. No the battery can last for almost 3 months even if you use the thing constantly. I pulled out my phone and started looking at pictures of home. Ms. Ford got up from her bunk and came

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