Playing Hard to Get

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Playing Hard to Get The idea of "playing hard to get", which I interpret as a style of flirting meant to increase the significance of the individual by increasing the effort in the "chase", has been only presented in a few studies. One study which was quite interesting and provided many new insights on this subject was conducted by Walster, Walster, Piliavin and Schmidt (1973), in their study they conducted five experiments, all of which failed! They had the same hypothesis as I proposed, that a woman who is hard to get to go out on a date would be more valued by a man, rather than a woman who is easy to get. This was not true due to the fact that men simply get frustrated with these types of women, and do not want to waste their time on a woman who does not show the same interest that they have in them. What they found instead was that men were highly attracted to a woman who was hard to get for other men, but easy to get for them. What I interpreted from their results was that when a woman shows interest in a particular man, he will reciprocate those feelings for her if he knows that she has other options, in terms of other potential romantic partners. This makes her more desirable for the man. Walster, Walster, and Berscheid (1971) showed in their results that the act of playing hard to get was not an effective strategy for increasing one’s status. My understanding of their results was that people like people who like them; this is simple and shouldn’t be complicated further by playing games such as hard to get. What is meant by playing games is ignoring the other person, trying to call them as minimal as possible, and basically ... ... middle of paper ... ...ndifference. Men can usually see through it. We aren’t as foolish as women think us to be,” says Siddharth, a copywriter with a leading ad agency. He’s of the opinion that women should quit “such stupid mind games which did well in Victorian times”, and be direct and open. But then don’t they get the wrong opinion? “We aren’t asking you to jump into our arms. Just say yes when you feel like it, instead of making lame excuses like I-have-a-dentist’s-appointment when we ask you out.” Point noted. Being ‘unavailable’ is pretty much like flirting. Unless you’re able to do it the right way, it’s bound to boomerang badly. So How Do You Learn To Do It The Right Way? Trust your gut instinct. And to a small extent, by trial and error. And remember — you’re going to win some and lose some. But don’t lose heart, have fun.

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