Plate Tectonics Research Paper

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The two theories I have chosen to write my essay about include the pseudoscience of astrology and the recognized science of plate tectonics. I will explore the reasons why the first theory is pseudoscientific, and the second is not. Following that, I will argue why these characteristics are acceptable in deciding whether a science is genuine science or a pseudoscience. As described in the text, “people use the term scientific to suggest reliability, validity, and certainty” (370). My thesis is that by using the scientific method, which includes views from empiricists, rationalists, and transcendental idealists, one can accurately determine a science from a pseudoscience.

The theory of astrology is defined as the study of celestial bodies in order to find meaning in everyday life. Astrology is deemed a pseudoscience by many, but some wonder why this distinction is true (Thagard). As explained in our text, a pseudoscience is defined as a belief or practice that is believed to be scientific, but is not based on the scientific method or fact. Barry Beyerstein, author of Distinguishing Science from Pseudoscience, explains a pseudoscience as “traceable to ancient magical beliefs, but their devotees typically play this down as they adopt the outward appearance of scientific rigor” (Beyerstein, 1995). …show more content…

As Velasquez explains in his text, “science relies on the inductive method of observation, generalization, and repeated confirmation by new observations” (372). Based on the definition of a scientific theory by its ability to be proven through the scientific method, astrology would be considered a ‘bogus’ science because it is based more on the interpretation and the beliefs of its followers rather than observation and

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