Plastic Surgery Flaws

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Frances Conroy recently said, “If you choose to be a Frankenstein with Botox and plastic surgery, you’ve bought your private mask.” Frances Conroy is expressing how he thinks about people who choose to live under plastic surgery. There are many types of plastic surgery like liposuction, reshaping, dermabrasion etc. The original purpose of plastic surgery is to restructure or repair flaws are caused by injuries, disease, or birth defects. However, nowadays, people’s criterion of appearance change as technologies are getting more and more progressive. Plastic surgery can improve a person’s look, or even a person’s character. The better you look, the more confident and optimistic you are. It sounds like plastic surgery is advantageous, however, …show more content…

Society has already changed one’s belief. The number of people who do plastic surgery is rising uncontrollably, which gives people feeling that plastic surgery is an essential thing for human just like a body check. People no longer cherish their body, they want to look like their idols instead. Society has distorted and misleads people the original meaning of plastic surgery. People treat plastic surgery as a tool to give them more confidence. 16 million cosmetic plastic surgeries are completed every year in the United States. However, the real usefulness of plastic surgery is to restructure or repair one’s flaws caused by accidents. Plastic surgery always exists unpredictable risks because surgeons have to inject something inside the body in order to restructure, which is not necessary. For example, the technique of gore-tex implants is to deliver unique plastics to patient’s nose by 1/16 inch (2.4 mm) and 3/16 (3.4 mm) diameter tubes. Not every materials can suitable for every bodies, unnecessary materials may cause allergy to the body. This is also one of the reasons that makes plastic surgery causes deaths because people don’t pay attention on the possible disease. On the other side, plastic surgery can also save one’s life. For instance, my father’s uncle’s daughter had a car accident unluckily 5 years ago, which caused lots of damages on her face and her neck. At that time, she felt depressed and gloomy on living. Fortunately, plastic surgery saved her and gave her back her life. Right now, she lives delighted with hope every day. Plastic surgery has advantages and disadvantages, it depends on how people Beauty has maken people ignore risks and money, people probably spend more time on choosing clothes than a plastic surgery’s surgeon. Clothes can be returned, but we can never take our face or life

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