Planet Hulk: An Epic Hero Or Dystopian?

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This is it, Planet Hulk. It was incredible (get it?). I didn’t expect it to be an epic adventure story, but it is. It collects The Incredible Hulk issues #92-105. It started with Hulk arrived in a strange planet called Sakaar. The planet (or the empire that’s on the planet) is led by an oppressive king called the Red King. Hulk was captured and enslaved to be gladiator. He tried to fight the guardians. Apparently, while passing the portal that brought him to the planet, he’s somehow weakening. In his weakened state, he’s forced to participate in a gladiator contest along with several other slaves. They grew close and were bonded as the Warbound. They then decided to take down the Red King together and rebelled against his oppressive government. …show more content…

From what I gather, the main theme of this storyline is how Hulk is often perceived as a monster and how he couldn’t fit in anywhere on Earth. At least that’s what the Illuminati members thought. But again, sending a person (or person/Hulk in this case) that you call friend into outer space by deceiving him is a not-so-humane thing to do, isn’t it. Ironically even in planet Sakaar, where everyone living there is a ‘monster’ by our standard, Hulk is still considered as a monster. When he finally feels belong, it’s all destroyed by … again, the Illuminati. It’s no surprise how much anger towards the Illuminati that Hulk has; which leads to another Hulk storyline, World War Hulk. I kind of wonder what would happen if the Illuminati just leave Hulk alone living in secluded area in Alaska, like in the beginning of Planet Hulk.
Art-wise, this comic is set in a foreign planet with various species living on it. So the panels are filled with many vibrant colors. It’s not set on earth, so there’s no limitation on what color one could choose for a certain object. It’s beautiful, but for some scenes (like the fighting scene), it can be too much. In comic fighting scenes, everything moves fast. You would want to know what happened in the next panel immediately. It’s unlikely (at least for me) to savor the background scenery. So those vibrant colors could be distracting

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