Pizza Hut Damage Control Analysis Reflection

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When a crisis occurs, a chain reaction of events follows. Clearly, the direction of the chain reaction depends on the crisis. During the project, the first challenge was to search for a company to analyze their damage control strategy. However, there was difficulty making a decision until finding a recent Pizza Hut scandal. A district manager of Pizza Hut found himself the subject of a scandal. In fact, a surveillance camera caught him urinating in the kitchen sink. Indeed, the research into Pizza Hut’s strategy found that they saw the video then they let the district manager go; the news media broke the news then they sent a written message by television expressing their regret; the health department shut them down temporarily then they shut the restaurant down permanently.
In research, the reports said that after Pizza Hut saw the video, they immediately let go the offending employee. Additionally, it took them almost three weeks to find out. The reason for installing a surveillance camera is to serve as preventive or evidence of inappropriate behavior. In his book, Technic...

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