Piracy: Morality And Reproduction And Redistribution Of Intellectual Property

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Not long ago music and movies were simpler. Music was played on the radio for free but you would not get a say in what was played and there would always be ads, for concerts you would pay to go and for CDs you paid for them. However, while some people copied CDs and gave them to friends, this was as far as piracy got (Arrington, 2009). Piracy is the unlawful reproduction and redistribution of intellectual property, without the permission of the original owner (NiDirect, n.d.). Intellectual property describes the works of the human mind such as music and films that are created or owned by a person or group and protected through copyright law (Reynolds, What is Intellectual Property?, 2015). With technology now more efficient than …show more content…

Reynolds states “ethics is a set of beliefs about right and wrong behaviour within a society” with most being universally understood. Certain behaviours such as cheating and lying are commonly considered unethical, but personal opinions about what ethical behaviour is can vary dramatically. We live in a society that sets laws and boundaries of behaviour that is considered acceptable. These rules and laws are expressed into beliefs on how people should think and behave and fit together into what is called a moral code in how a society functions. Unfortunately, we all experience times in our lives where we get caught in conflict or uncertainty about which rules to follow. For example, you catch your friend cheating in a test; you may get caught in a conflict between telling the truth or loyalty. Often we do not want to snitch on our friend so we decide to be loyal to him or her and keep quiet about the situation. Some of us, however, feel more pressured to tell the truth so we feel better about ourselves. Occasionally the rules and laws do not cover new situations, so we must determine how to make new laws or apply to ones that already exist. Many ethical issues are not as simple as being right or wrong but rather it involves choices between right vs. right (Reynolds, What is Ethics?,

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