Piaget's Stages Of Cognitive Development Essay

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The psychological, physical, and cognitive development of a child is rather important throughout the child’s life. There have been a number of psychologist who laid out the stages a child should reach within a specific age. Some of those theorist/psychologists include Lev Vygotsky, Jean Piaget, Eric Erikson, and Jean Piaget. Each of the theorist focus on a different aspect of development. Jean Piaget focused on children’s cognitive development where there are four stages of development. The four stages of cognitive development according to Piaget’s theory consist of the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete operational stage, and lastly, the formal operational stage (Arnett, 2016). Each of these stages consist of goals the child should be striving for and reaching throughout specific ages. Throughout this course, we have used MyVirtualChild and this helped lay out some of these stages of my child Gabriella.
The first stage of Piaget’s cognitive development theory is the sensorimotor …show more content…

From age seven to eleven years old the child usually is in the concrete operational stage. The goal of this stage is to develop operational thoughts using mental operations. Children throughout these ages often have trouble thinking hypothetically (Arnett, 2016). Gabriella was tested by an examiner to see where her cognitive development lies, and the results were rather interesting. According to the examiner, she excelled greatly on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, when tested in math she ranged in the gifted portion, and for visual – spatial ability she was rated above average. At ten years old she is able to concentrate longer than she has in the past. She has expanded her education level greatly and has been using her imagination greatly by writing stories at home and at school. Gabriella has grown rapidly physically and cognitively and can be seen as more advanced for her age. (Pearson,

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