Physician Assisted Suicide Is Wrong Essay

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According to the hippocratic oath, it states that every medical practitioner must uphold ethical standards and follow the phrase “first do no harm” to all human beings. However the suffering of each man, woman and child has their own fate to decide. Physician-assisted suicide also known as euthanasia, is the knowing and intentional use of overdosing lethal drugs to exterminate one's pain and suffering to result in immediate death. A quote by Pamela Bone an American cancer patient said “I'm not afraid of being dead. I'm just afraid of what one might have to go through to get there.” This is one of many life ending patients who fear that end-of-life care will be brutal and traumatic. Nonetheless physician-assisted suicide is the only humane solution …show more content…

Many people who are in need of this treatment are patients with incurable illnesses, diseases and disabilities such as terminal cancer, long term affects of Alzheimer's or a quadriplegic disability. Unfortunately many people do not have access to assisted dying therefore they result to different methods to ease the pain in their mind and body. For example, in 2012 Kelly Taylor had “locked” syndrome, where she was unable to move any muscle in her body. She did not have the chance to experience assisted-dying no matter how much she wanted it, for this reason she resulted in starving herself for 19 days only to realize the pain was too unbearable and that she had to start eating again to ease the pain. However her mental state was extremely low and dangerous that she had to be constantly watched by doctors, friends and family which relates with her dignity. If assisted-dying was an option for Kelly Taylor, her last days of living would have been much better than her attempts of suicide and having a constant fear of never moving again. It would also relieve the pain of her friends and family because they would not be in constant fear that she would hurt herself again, and it would also relieve their stress and pain for both Kelly and her family. This is how physician-assisted suicide can benefit not only the patient but the people around them too and what would consistently happen if we extinguish this

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