Physical Fitness In Softball

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Physical fitness refers to the organic capacity of the individual to perform the normal task of daily living without undue tiredness or fatigue having reserve of strength and energy available to meet satisfactorily any emergency demands suddenly placed upon him. Softball is a sport requiring high levels of physical fitness. It is one of those rare games which demands not only speed but agility, strength, power and endurance. Softball players need a combination of technical, tactical and physical skills in order to succeed. Improving aerobic capacity and overall fitness boosts performance on the Softball field. Cricket is a deceivingly demanding sport; players spend a long day on their feet, there are periodic fast sprints when batting, chasing …show more content…

The greater the physical fitness, the greater will be physical endurance and the precision of movements. The greater the physical fitness, the longer a person will be able to keep going; he will be able to perform more efficiently and at greater speed and to recover faster from fatigue. Poor health and lowered physical capacity reduce one’s ability to perform mental task (Carl, 1969). Physical fitness is an inseparable part of sports performance and achievements. The quality of its utilization value is directly proportional to the level of performance. That means the greater the level of fitness, the greater will be the ability of a person to attain higher level of performance. Players are required to have good physical fitness that will enable successful performance at the competitive level. The sport specific technical skills in sports are predominant factors. The physical fitness of a player however can be a decisive determinant of success during competition (Smekal et al., …show more content…

The visual system plays a critical role in sports performance, as it does in the performance of virtually all perceptual-motor skills. To improve sports performance through improving vision an understanding of the visual demands of different sports is required. One also needs to consider the extent that different visual parameters can be modified through vision training. However the ultimate question is whether training certain aspects of the visual system can be translated into improvement with on field

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