Phrenology In The 19th Century

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Phrenology Rubbing fingers and palms across a person’s head in order to analyze that person’s mental aptitude is the basis of phrenology. This was a common practice during the 19th century. It became especially popular in the latter half of the 19th century, around the same time great advances were being made with the telephone. Although these two topics were developing in the same era, they differ greatly in relevancy to today’s world, nearly 200 years later. The telephone is a means of long-distance communication is part of society to date. Phrenology, on the other hand, is the science of the character divination and faculty psychology, once widely accepted in the 19th century, it is viewed as a completely impractical practice today. Franz-Joseph …show more content…

After finding a dependable phrenologist, another challenge was finding one who did not overprice his “skills.” Other issues with phrenology included the fact that the density of the brain can affect the size. Also, different racial groups have different skull shapes. This is not because of brain size or shape; instead it is just the way their skulls grow. Evidence of phrenology being generally inaccurate heavily outweighs evidence of its validity. For example, reading one’s mental abilities correctly can be very important as properly assessing a skull can help guide a teenager to a college major that best fits them. It can also fill jobs with candidates who are best for the position. This would be a huge factor in helping the world …show more content…

They claimed that the information was so broad that it was useless. Although phrenology was practically useless and for the most part just a fad of the 1800s and early 1900s, it helped lead to today’s better ways interpret one’s personality traits. Phrenology began to pick out spots of the brain that correlate to certain mental capabilities. Although impractical, phrenology is the science of the character divination and faculty psychology, and played an immense role in the development of future practices. Feeling the skull seems primitive but it was a huge stepping stone in the psychological field. Today, scientists have so much knowledge of areas of the brain that they are able to put together tests that pinpoint specific regions and reveal a person’s disposition much better than phrenology ever

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