Philosophy of Classroom Management

797 Words2 Pages

What do you understand and believe about how to manage behavior in the classroom?
I believe that the best method of management behavior is democratic. Autocratic does not allow student to be involved in the rule and decision making of classroom rules and procedures. It also makes students feel subordinated to the teacher and uses vigorous discipline therefore, I do not agree with this method. A passive behavior management plan doesn’t give consequences for bad behavior and fails to enforce good behavior. Permissive style allows for a chaotic and insecure classroom due to the lack of respect and order. Therefore, I believe that a democratic management style is the most appropriate and efficient style of behavior management. This style gives opportunity for students to be involved in the classroom rules & decision making. Democratic style encourages mutual respect amongst teachers and students, and gives students freedom to express their opinion and thoughts. Teachers help guide students instead of dictate their behavior and actions. Students are allowed to question aspects of learning and dicipline. Students are encouraged to have their own beliefs where teachers will unconditional accept them regardless of their beliefs, opinions, and behaviors. Students are encouraged to work together along with the teacher to achieve academic and behavioral goals. There is no reliance on force to get compliance from students. Students are given the choice to obey or not to obey the rules and consequently receive predetermined consequences established by the teacher and students. Students are encouraged to resolve conflicts and to have tolerance for differences amongst each other. A democratic behavior management promotes positive teacher-st...

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Classroom routines are important because they provide structure in the classroom. They also remind students of what to expect and do during classroom time. Students will also be less apprehensive or uncertain of what is require when routines are set in place.
Classroom rules will be prominently posted in the classroom in a place where all students can see. At the beginning of the school year are rules and expectations should be modeled and explained. Again, when necessary teachers need to review the rules, and allow students to practice the rules. As teacher can always model the expected rules and behavior in a classroom by treating the students as they themselves want to be treated. Teachers can demonstrate through their own actions the behaviors they expect from students. Modeling can be especially useful for demonstrating appropriate academic responses.

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