Pharmacist Career Research Paper

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In order to become a pharmacist one must go through years of schooling to learn the required skills and protocols. Many things have been know during the research, but more has been learned. All of this contributes to a future in a career of a pharmacist. There are a couple things that are known about a pharmacist. Certain things could be assumed because of this knowledge. Pharmacists handle a variety of medications used to treat different diseases. A registered pharmacist can prescribe a person medication, if needed. They can also create and patent medications or treatments for diseases. A pharmacist works with doctors to know what medications are more common in the area than others. Along with their close relationship with doctors, they also …show more content…

anatomy and physiology, general physics, chemistry and one should be able to pass the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT). A bachelor degree in laboratory sciences. After your two to four years of prerequisites, an opportunity to go to graduate school to receive a doctorate in pharmacy (Pharm.D). After schooling, passing licensing exams are next. North American Pharmacist Licensure Exam (NAPLEX) and Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Exam (MPJE) are the two main exams that need to be taken in order for pharmacist to be legally licensed. What kind of license do you need to obtain your own pharmacy? If you have a degree in pharmacy what other places can you use your qualifications at? Do you have to work as a resident? These were the questions that were answered by a local pharmacist in South Carolina. In order to own your own pharmacy you need a business license, along with a registration with the board of pharmacy in the state of South Carolina. Also a registration with SCDHEC (South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control), and a registration with the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) to handle controlled substances. Retail pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, nuclear pharmacy, consultation pharmacy, clinical pharmacists, these are just a few of the careers a person can have with as a registered pharmacist with a degree. In order to become a licensed pharmacist there are a certain number of hours needed to obtain a

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