Phantom Of The Opera And Water Thesis

529 Words2 Pages

Samantha Van Den Elzen Van Den Elzen, 1
Mrs. Jennings
May 12, 2014
CPT Essay – Phantom of the Opera and Water
Thesis – Christine and Erik used romantic relationships to discover themselves while Chuyia created a family in order to discover who she was. Christine, Erik and Chuyia followed in the ways of Gandhi in finding themselves by losing themselves in the service of others.
Argument 1 – Christine forms a relationship with Erik to make up for the loss of her father; by convincing herself that Erik truly is the angel of the night and creates a relationship with Raoul in order to escape the previous world she created for herself and her father. Her self-discovery is finding love and being capable of letting her father go and becoming more independent.
Quotes –
1) “You will hear one day, my child! When I am in Heaven, I will send him to you!” (Page 53)
- Christine’s father explaining when she is a child that the angel of music will come to her when he is dead, because he will send him to her. This makes her an easy target for Erik to deceive and control.
2) “Oh Rao...

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