Pew Research Synthesis Essay

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American society is polarized and in turmoil. Every day we are bombarded with sensational images and tweets solidifying a deepening partisan divide. Across the country, college campuses experience this division in the classroom and the quad. Hood is far from an exception. Political tolerance is lacking in the United States, and it has room for improvement at Hood College. It is unavoidable that the stresses of society creep into our classes and permeate our lectures. Cross-curricular conversation is the beauty of a liberal arts education. However, presenting our beliefs as antagonistic to one another and perpetuating polarization is dangerous. The “us” versus “them” mentality of our political identities wrecks havoc on our society and our democracy. …show more content…

What we disagree upon is the interpretation of these founding documents. According to Pew Research, since 1994, the average partisan gap has increased from 15 percent to 36 percent. Our political culture and the media industry feed on creating difference and demonizing opponents. The issue arises when arguments transfer from the confines of news media to the dining hall. Students and society as a whole are reflecting the argumentative standard set before them on television. But tweets don’t facilitate educated political deliberation. Name-calling and stereotyping have no place at institutions of higher learning.

Structured, fact-based interaction, like the debates hosted by Hood College Democrats and Republicans, are crucial to addressing the nuance of political issues. We must balance free speech with safety and respect for our colleagues. We should rely on logic and facts to form our opinions, and express opposing viewpoints with grace and kindness. We must pursue knowledge first and form opinions

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