Peter Ducker Analysis

793 Words2 Pages

Keith Dearden
Dr. Guhde
Principals of Management
The Essential Drucker
According to Peter F. Drucker the fundamental task of management is, “to make people capable of joint performance through common goals, common values, the right structure, and the training and development they need to perform and respond to change”. There are many different definitions for the term management, but what better one coming from “the man who invented management”. Drucker is seen as the father of management therefore I believe his definition of management stands to be the most correct one. Druckers views were the first of its kind in terms of management. While the world changes day-by-day Peter Druckers definition and view on management has been with us since he first introduced it to us. As he states in his first chapter, “Management as Social Function and Liberal Art”, Drucker believes that management within itself is a liberal art and this is why Drucker would approve of the core curriculum used here at Oglethorpe.
In the second chapter Drucker begins by stating that Management is “the organ of an institution”. He then establishes to the reader that there are three main tasks that insure that a business or institution will be working and successful. The first task discussed by Druckers says, “Establishing the specific purpose and mission of the institution, whether business enterprise, hospital, or university”. When we discussed this topic in class we said that a business must establish its mission statement. So both what we leaned in class and what Drucker talks about in his book say that the first task of a business is to establish a mission statement. The only bullet point that Drucker makes on this first task is that every ...

... middle of paper ... of the Core Curriculum at Oglethorpe University.
Management is considered by different people in different ways but it’s the views implemented by Peter Drucker that are the foundation of management for the past, present, and future. Druckers three tasks, coming from his The essential Drucker book, are what businesses use to from successful management teams in their companies. Another thing to consider when talking about Ducker’s view on management is management’s connecting to liberal arts. Management is a liberal art that is seen to be very similar to the Core Curriculum offered here at Oglethorpe University. Thus Drucker would support the liberal education that is offered here at Oglethorpe University. Management can never be truly defined but it is the ideals and views of Peter F. Drucker that give businesses a form of management to mold their companies by.

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