Peter Dirichlet

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Peter G.L. Dirichlet was born in the time period of Napoleon’s great attempt at world domination, Thomas Jefferson’s inauguration, and the birth of Webster’s dictionary. Ultimately this period of time is known as the 1800s, and Peter G.L. Dirichlet was born in 1805. Dirichlet was not born into great wealth, (nor are many others, in this day and age either) his father was a postmaster in Germany where Dirichlet and his family lived. Though they didn’t have much spare change, it was recorded that Dirichlet would use any collected money to purchase math books. Dirichlet was said to be a model pupil, attentive in class and predominantly fascinated by history and mathematics. His parents ultimately believed that Jesuit College would be a better suit for their son than his current school, the Gymnasium, to which he had attended for two years, beginning his enrollment in 1817 at age twelve.
Of the people to influence Dirichlet, Ohm, the mathematician known for Ohm’s law, was Dirichlet’s teacher and influenced him greatly in inspiring Dirichlet to pursue mathematic developments and studies. Not only did Ohm have a relatively influential grasp on Dirichlet; the mathematician, Guass, did as well. One book in particular is said to have been placed under Dirichlet’s pillow every night, Disquisitiones Arithmeticae, by Guass. This book was treasured by Dirichlet and worshiped as some might worship the bible.
At age 16, Dirichlet had finished his school credentials and was able to attend a university. However, the German universities were not up to par, thus allowing Dirichlet to explore other forms of education in Paris. While the German Universities were lacking at the time, in only a few more years they would be world renown for their ...

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... even if it’s not necessarily understood how.

Works Cited

Allen, James. "Greatest Mathematicians Born Between 1800 and 1850 A.D.." Fabpedigree. N.p.. Web. 8 Dec 2013. .

Haslam, John. "16 fun applications of the pigeon principle." Mind Your Decisions. Presh Talawalker, n.d. Web. 8 Dec 2013.

Neale, Vicky. "Theorum11the pigeonhole principle." Theorem of the Week. Cambridge Maths Tripos, 25 March 2009. Web. 8 Dec 2013. .

O'Connor, J.J., and E.F. Robertson. "Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet." Dirichlet Biography. School of Mathematics and Statistics, n.d. Web. 8 Dec 2013. .

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