Pete Seeger: The Power Of Song

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Pete Seeger: The Power of Song focused on Pete Seeger's life and how his career, social, and political life interacted and intertwined. The movie observes how Seeger's music influenced the political climate on topics such as war and racial prejudices; the documentary went over Seeger's blacklisting, his relationship to the communist movement, his interaction with political leaders and activists such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The documentary emphasized how Pete Seeger used his music to inspire people to improve themselves and their community, we saw this when the documentary provided information on the story of Pete Seeger's plan to clean up the Hudson River. The movie explained how Pete's encouragement, music and presence promoted the idea …show more content…

This can be explained through a variety of reasons such as bad publicity, high imprisoning rates and criminalization of protesters, propaganda demonizing protesters and glorifying the 'victims' of the protests, and so on. The explanation of why there has been so much of a stigma placed on protesting is important, but not the topic of the documentary. The documentary can be seen as more of a solution to the problem. Pete Seeger held political festivals, and musical rallies, and brought media attention to social problems, which in turn encouraged people to become involved and be politically active in their community and to fight for social change. Political expression and revolution via music makes it harder to stigmatize a social revolution or protest. If your protest consists of people coming together and singing topical songs and collectively opposing something your movement is much harder to stigmatize than a movement whose rallies consist of marching on the streets yelling your ideals and demanding justice. Pete Seeger created festivals in the name of political revolution while activists in contemporary society create Facebook groups that turn into events and protests there is a much more negative tone. Another advantage of musical protest is the legal standing of it. It is much harder to find reasons to arrest someone for attending a music festival than it is to arrest someone protesting, holding picket signs and disturbing the peace and vandalizing government property with sidewalk chalk (this is in reference to the occupy Orlando movement where protesters were arrested for drawing on the sidewalk with sidewalk chalk). Another advantage of musical based protest is that with media attention it is easy to demonize protesters holding picket signs than it is to demonize protesters attending a music festival.

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