Examples Of Ethos Pathos And Logos For Abortion Essay

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When writing essays, there are general topics that instructors will often deny due to the material that can cause arguments between one person and another. One of the topics that instructors often deny for research essays is abortion. Abortion is a sensitive topic throughout the world and is often argued about as seen on the news frequently. Sources that contain information about abortion have three different appeals to get the reader interested. Ethos, logos, and pathos are appeals used in persuasive writings such as those written about abortion. Abortion is a forbidden topic due to the connection people make whether it be due to personal experience or religion. One of the reasons why abortion is considered forbidden topic is by the use of ethos. Ethos is the appeal used by including the author’s credibility into the writing. By doing …show more content…

The physician later says, “If my first task as a physician is to do no harm, how can I justify harming a fetus?” showing the physician’s personal battle with performing abortions. In the second interview, a woman who had recently started performing abortions talks about how seeing the fetus on screen during the procedure upset her. Recurring thoughts of regret often traced the woman’s mind and left her wondering whether she had made the right choice and what her family would think if the family knew about the abortion she had recently performed. The lady talks about how later that week, there was an informal gathering of residents who had struggled with abortion training. The woman found that other colleagues of hers were also more comfortable with early abortions than second-trimester abortions. The third interview was a resident who feels that it is a morally obligated procedure to make available to the patients. The resident claims that they have gone through their own internal struggles for performing

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