Persuasive Speech On Wild Animals

718 Words2 Pages

Grecia Molina
The number of endangered species has increased traumatically in the last 5 years. This issue is not something to call unimportant or merely an everyday problem this is a huge worldwide issue that needs to be treated as such. Loosing species in their entirety is a problem mostly for the generations ahead. I do not know about you but I want my children and my children's children to know what an elephant or a lion are and what they look like. This world has lost enough of its beauty as it is with all the factories, all the smog in the cities, global warming, and all the forests we have lost. I would think people would be smart enough to stop themselves from killing innocent animals for simple sport or trophy. They are a part of us in a
Why can't we all just enjoy things from afar? Have the decency to not buy that fur coat or that fox scarf and instead just change the channel to National Geographic. All around the world wild animals are being killed or even tortured for fur, sport, and even trophy. This is not just a problem here but everywhere, it is a worldwide issue. Wild animals are a part of this earth they share this earth we have with us it is not just our planet. By killing these wild animals we are saying goodbye to a big part of the world as we know it. If people stop killing these exotic or wild animals our future generations will have the opportunity to love them and get to know them from afar, it will not just be something that once was, or something that used to be it will be something that is and that always will be. If, however nothing is done and the amount of endangered species keeps rising our future generations will not get to know or cherish these incredible wild animals. Right now the most important thing we can do is get the word out there, make sure everybody knows about this problem. Inform people that we are not the only creatures on this planet we are simply sharing this world with creatures who have families and

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