Persuasive Speech On Health Care Reform

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I have watched a good number of presidential speeches to Joint Members of Congress in my lifetime. The one President Obama gave shocked me to the core. How do you sell a bipartisan bill on health care reform by smearing the other party. From the one trillion dollar deficit he inherited, to accusing town hall citizens, Republicans, insurance companies, to labeling everyone who doesn’t agree with him about documented parts of the House Health Care bill as liars, to nailing Sarah Palin. How does that help sell his plan. If we can get the savings from fraud in Medicare and Medicaid, do it. Don’t promise it and let all of us who know you can’t meet that promise listen to that knowing full well you can’t deliver. How do you add hundreds of thousands of people with pre-existing conditions and not raise costs? …show more content…

Don’t promise a little test program in some remote part of the country. If it’s going to cost $1.2 trillion don’t tell us it will cost $900 billion. If you are going to add either 45 million to the health care rolls, don’t tell us the present system can handle the inflow. For the first time you took out the 9 million illegals and told us they were never in. Guess for the first time there are only 36 million uninsured. If you want to make a speech, do it in 20 minutes. We don’t like to hear you speak as much as you like to hear yourself. If you are going to have a government plan(public option) to compete with private insurers, don’t call it something else. An exchange, for example. Don’t add $900 billion and say it doesn’t add to the

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