Persuasive Speech On Cloning

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Cloning Persuasive Response

Thesis: Margaret Somerville is stating, “Human cloning is inherently wrong,” because of the lack of genetic identity and diversity, how it can be very dangerous and harmful, as well as that it diminishes the value of life, and family.

Human cloning is inherently wrong. How can we as humans think that we have the right of God? As humans it is not our job. We are here to live our lives, to love and show love, and to practice in our individual faiths. And yet the idea that human cloning is possible is slowly becoming a reality to our world, and this horrifies most people. The idea has always caused debate, more specifically in the ethical view. Dolly the sheep, which we touched on in Lybia Ma’s article is known to be the first animal ever to be cloned, however suffered from many abnormalities, and later died. How can we possibly risk more lives in attempt to make human cloning a reality. Lybia Ma states, “There is no need to clone humans,” (Ma), there are too many difficulties and ethical issues that arise. Again in Lybia Ma’s article she states, “The main obstacle to cloning humans are ethical, not scientific” (Ma). So why is it that people feel the need to make it happen? Why do they think this can benefit our …show more content…

It is not a natural process done by human beings, and I believe that it is wrong. Somerville states, “We need to keep in mind that, in several respects including the ethical one, we are facing probably the most powerful and potentially dangerous situation” (Somerville). It is believed that human cloning can't be justified because of the potential risks to the child, specifically the physical risks, as it is a risk of handicapped or injured children being born. Additionally, is the psychological aspect and harm, by taking away the sense of “individuality and personal autonomy” (Somerville). We as human have rights and we all deserve them equally no matter the

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