Persuasive Speech On Breast Augmentation Surgery

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If you have been thinking about trying to increase the size of your chest, it really comes down to just a few options. Either you try an all natural route or you go with breast augmentation surgery. In this article, we are going to take a look at the surgery option and what goes along with it.

What is breast augmentation surgery?
Before we go any further, you need to have a good idea of what this surgery is. Often known as a “boob job”, breast augmentation surgery is a procedure where breast implants are surgically placed inside you to increase the fullness, size and shape of the breast or as a way to make them more symmetrical.

The most common reasons for this type of surgery include:

*Helping to restore the breast size after a pregnancy …show more content…

The gel can move and feel more like a natural breast. However, if the gel leaks, it may stay inside the implant shell or leak into the implant pocket. If you use a silicone implant, you may need to visit your surgeon on a regular basis to make sure everything is ok with them.

How it happens
We wanted to give you a brief idea of a procedure might go. To start off, you would be given some type of anesthesia, either intravenously or general. Next up, an incision is made in an area that would be hard to see to minimize the viewable scars. Where the incision occurs is based on your body, what type of implant is being used, preference of both you and the surgeon and the degree of enlargement that is being done.

Next up, either a silicone or saline breast implant will be used. This implant will be inserted either under the pectoral muscle or directly behind the breast tissue. Where it is placed is pretty much dependent upon the same factors as where mentioned for which type of incision you would have.

Next, the incisions are closed up with the use of a skin adhesive, surgical tape or layered sutures. The lines will fade over time. After this, the procedure is pretty much over and you go into

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