Persuasive Speech On Animal Breeders

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Do you have a cat or dog? If so, where did you get it? Did you get it from an animal shelter? From the side of the road, badly wounded, where you found it just in time to save it? Did you get your animal from an animal breeder, breeding kittens/puppies in their basement? Most likely, you got your animal from a breeder. And there is no shame in that. You did your homework, right? Your new cat/dog’s vaccinations are all up-to-date, is spayed or neutered, and you just can’t resist the happy look on its face. So, you decide to take it home. You hand over the money and say goodbye to the breeder. Congratulations on the new pet! Unfortunately, you missed a few things. The kind woman breeding the dogs/cats forgot to mention that she had another room of four- week-old kittens/puppies that she was waiting to sell. She showed you the one you bought because it was the last of its litter. It is two months old and was the runt of the litter. It looked exactly like the new litter, so she registered its birth certificate at the same time as the new litter. She needed …show more content…

Dogs are especially vulnerable, dependent on the breed. Pugs suffer from a range of disabilities. The most noticeable disability is their nose. Their noses are practically nonexistent. Pugs have a terrible time breathing when it is humid or hot because the air they breathe can’t cool down as it travels to their lungs. The live their lives sniffling and snoring, never knowing what it would be like to have a normal, functioning nose. And eyes. Their beautiful bulgy eyes are prone to a range of problems. Corneal ulcers, dry eyes, and proptosis (hint: never look up what any of these are) all mean the same thing. Uncomfortable eyes that stick out all day. And this is all because breeders continue to reproduce this breed of dog. Nothing is being done about this because pugs are so cute, right? Who knew that their bulgy eyes could actually be

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