Persuasive School Uniforms

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With having uniforms everyone is wearing the same thing to school every day so what is there to judge? You wear the same exact thing she or he is wearing. Wearing uniforms to school will make the pride in the school become stronger since students are most likely have the school colors on their uniforms. Adopting school uniforms has shown to improve behavior and academic achievement; schools should adopt them for the next school year.
Many schools across the United States, even across the world, are starting to require their students to wear uniforms, rather than having children worry about what to wear. Having more time in the morning would be beneficial to the students. "When uniforms are mandatory, parents and students do not spend time choosing …show more content…

Most of the time, it is because of the clothing students wear to school. With the help of uniforms, Students will not bully since they are all wearing the same thing. If you make fun of someone for what they are wearing, you are also making fun of yourself and your friends. Everyone has the same uniform on so it makes the bullying of people wearing different or 'ugly ' clothes vanish since they are all in the same set of clothes. "When all students are dressed alike, competition between students over clothing choices and the teasing of those who are dressed in less expensive or less fashionable outfits can be eliminated" (Procon). Having uniforms makes everyone on an equal level uniforms reduce bullying. With some families not being able to afford expensive clothing, they won 't have the worry about what they are sending their children to school in and wondering if they will be getting made fun of. Bullying within the schools stems mostly from how they look. If others do not look like them, the bullies will make fun of them for that. If they have clothes that don 't fit right, they will make fun of that. If one of the students wore something that the bully didn 't like, it gives them another reason to make fun of him or her. With uniforms, students will have the same things on so no one will look different than the other one. "Roughly 160,000 children miss school daily due to fear of attack and or intimidation by other students" (Morton). Children are afraid of their appearance knowing that if they go to school, they will be made fun of by some of the other children. They worry that if they do not have the latest trends they will be made fun of and make them feel bad about what they wear. Some students go to school in a new outfit thinking they look great and someone bullies them and they never wear the outfit they love again. With the implementation of uniforms, it would get rid of bullying and puts children

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