Persuasive Research Paper On Abortion

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Abortion has been considered a controversy in the United States for many years. Abortion is the “expulsion of the fetus from the uterus.” (Robert H. Lauer) There are two different types of abortion, miscarriage and induced abortion. Women decided to have abortions for many different reasons and use it as a birth control plan. Many women decide that they can’t have the baby due to schooling, work, money and other responsibilities. Also, many women decide not to have the baby because they are single and don’t want to raise the child alone. (Robert H. Lauer) Although abortion has been legal in the United states recently, it was not legal in many states until 1973. (Thomson Reuters) In 1973, the supreme court passed a law called “Roe v. Wade case”. The law was passed to, “allow abortion on demand in the first trimester of a pregnancy.” (Robert H. lauer) The law has been under scrutiny by opponents of …show more content…

The Supreme Court has made a law that gives the woman the right to choose abortion if needed. If a government sponsored healthcare plan does not follow this law and does not cover the abortion, then the woman herself will be penalized if she is low income.(Susan Dudley Ph.D.) In many cases, women can not afford the abortion but will sacrifice many things and still get one. It is not just an economic problem but can also be a social problem in many cases. There has been some cases of women who can not afford the abortion to try and induce it themselves then seek emergency medical help soon after to then have surgery to fully abort the fetus. (Susan Dudley Ph.D.) There is many arguments on this topic and whether abortions should be covered fully by health care. Due to the fact that low- income women and young women will be penalized because of health care plans not covering their abortions, the procedure will always be a difficult decision for these struggling women. (Susan Dudley

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