Persuasive Essay: Why Should Same-Sex Adoption?

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Adoption by gays and lesbians first appeared in the United States in the 1970s. At the time, judges were not sympathetic to the idea of allowing a homosexual man or woman to parent a no biological child. As the society has become tolerant toward same-sex couples, this question arises: Should gay marriages adopt? Leading to a controversial statement where some people believe that same-sex couples should not be allowed to adopt while others consider that they should. A child needs stability while growing up. Children might feel unaccepted by one of the parents in the nucleus of a new family after an adoption. Some people believe that gay adoption is harmful to the children involved. Moreover, such people state that those children involved will
Gilles Bernheim stated:
The adopted child needs a father and mother even more than other children. At the deepest level, viscerally, he desires to find a place close to the basic cell that gave him life: a father and a mother. The adopted child is burdened by the simultaneous traumas of abandonment and of the family 's double identity. Even more than other children, this child needs a clear sense of a biological chain. This is because he or she has no sense of being the fruit of a loving union. He was not desired, he has no one 's eyes, and he cannot recognize himself in any member of his new family.
What kind of stability can children have while growing up in a foster home?
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) adoption consists in the adoption of children by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. This adoption may take place jointly, for example, by same-sex couples, also adopted by a single LGBT person, or adoption by one partner of a same-sex couple of the other 's biological child. In 25 countries, joint adoption is legal for same sex-couple and also in some territories. Moreover, several countries have legalized step-child adoption. Some people question whether same-sex couples have the

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