Persuasive Essay: Why People Should Pay For Rescue

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Why People Must Pay for Rescue

Why would you do something risky knowing it’s risky and dangerous? Some people like taking risks because it's fun to them. According to an article called “The cost of getting lost” by Tatroff, Daniel it says, “People who get themselves into trouble in the wilderness have to pay what it costs to get rescued”. Using logic you should pay for your rescue because you put yourself at risk knowing that the adventure is going to involve something risky. If you knew that then why would you do it?

People should pay because they put themselves at risk according to the article “Who should pay to rescue” by Sun-Herald workers in Australia “ People should pay for their cost of rescue”. Some people do agree with that because you put yourself at risk knowing that the adventure will involve something risky . Also in the article “Pay-per-Rescue” it says “ If someone gets into a risk they have to pay because we aren't giving free rescues, because it cost tons of money just for a helicopter rescue”. Also some people do agree with because like what I mentioned …show more content…

An example is like in the article “Why should people pay” by Lisa Herald, it said “ People shouldn’t pay for the cost of rescue because the places that their adventuring aren’t safe.”. Some people do agree with this because if if the place isn’t safe for civilians then why should they pay. Also in the article “Why Carnival Shouldn’t Pay and the U.S. Shouldn’t Accept” by Mario Vittone it says “ The last thing I would want is to know that a family was out there in real danger, in a fight between their brain and their wallet trying to figure out if they can afford to call “Mayday.” . Its true for some people that they may not have enough to pay for the rescue and also what if it’s not their fault that they got into that risk. After all we all have our opinions on different

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