Persuasive Essay: Why Competitive Cheerleading Is A Sport?

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“There are raw statistics that cheerleading accounts for two-thirds of all catastrophic injuries among female high school athletes. Honestly, cheerleading isn’t as safe as you might think, which was one of the reasons New York State - following 34 other states and Washington D.C. - reclassified it as an official school sport last month.”(Hickey, Walt) Competitive cheerleading is a sport. Many people were upset about this accusation because in their minds, cheerleading isn’t a sport. These people believe it’s a club or activity there to bring a spirit or entertain the men. Others say that cheerleading takes hard work, determination, and effort. To add to that, there isn’t a solid definition of an “official” sport, but there are some points …show more content…

In order to be successful cheerleading takes dedication and hard work, we can still have fun, but you need to be focused when the time calls. Of course competitive cheerleading is a sweaty, fun, and overwhelming at times, but aren’t all sports? To think that one thing that changes a team 's overall score for deciding either first or last between the two teams would be hard work and dedication to win the competition. Just like in football, they get that one chance to make a difference and win within a split second do they run or throw. Well does the cheerleader try to save the stunt or is it not worth it. Football players get that one chance to win and cheerleaders get that one chance to make a good impression on the judges. Cheerleaders put in the hard work and dedication through practices like football players. Then the practice football on average 150 days per year, cheerleaders on average practice 226 days a year. Cheerleaders are dedicated, they’ll go through anything to win like Bangaoil. Bangaoil is a cheerleader who, messed up her ACL during cheer practice one day, and for about six months she stayed with her team instead, of going into surgery to help her team win third at the United Spirit Association’s Collegiate Nationals“Last year she spent downing Advil and bathing her knee in ice has been a success. That puts off the ACL surgery so she could help her UCLA team finish third at the United Spirit Association 's Collegiate Nationals two weeks ago was meaningless.”(Drehs, Wayne) Coaches will decide who will bring it all and give it all they have on stage. “Coaches like Vehling, who points to the gruesome injuries, the long hours, the agonizing training and those ultra-intense competitions as proof that cheerleading is much more than a stage for the prettiest girls on campus to flash their bloomers.”(Drehs,

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