Essay On Gun Control In Schools

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Guns, people say that guns are necessary. For example they say if for protection, for fun, or because they think having a gun is cool. But are they really necessary? Because according to the news and social media, people use guns for destruction, some good examples are shootings at schools, at public places and wars. And the worst of all is that students and common people that suffer from mental problems are the ones causing all those shootings, and they all get the guns from home or a store. It seems that now days it is easier to buy guns and ammo than buying alcohol, and that’s a fact 18 year olds can buy guns, but not alcohol. In my opinion guns are more harmful than alcohol. That’s why society has to put an end to this, if there’s no end …show more content…

Schools in America are no longer safe, because in resent years its been reported through out the country of multiples shootings in public schools. One of the most horrible shootings known in the United States history is the one where Adam Lanza killed 20 first-graders and 6 teachers, according to Barbara Mantel “December, when Adam Lanza used a so-called assault rifle to kill 20 first-graders and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., before taking his own life in one of the most horrific mass shootings in the nation 's history.” (Mantel 235.) that’s a real tragedy, the death of innocent kids. All the suffering the family must have went through, that’s just heartbreaking. Some people are just not qualifying to use guns that’s why the government should make more regulations, because there’s people out there that are not in a healthy mind condition and people that are full of hate and just go on a rampage killing little kids or any innocent people. Guns are just destructive that destroy families and communities. Because people never know when someone is intending to do something like that, it could be anyone and anywhere. If this country were to have stronger regulations, maybe then the people would feel safe knowing that not any random stranger has a gun with him. And what’s the point of carrying a gun all day if is not even necessary, the only people allow to carry gun should be the police …show more content…

Guns should be kept away from minors, to prevent any accidents. There’s been cases were a little boy found a gun in his parent’s room and he didn’t know what it was so he went to his sister and then he pointed the gun at her head, and he pulled the trigger and killed her. That’s traumatic for someone that young, guns are not toys if you want a gun it should be hidden somewhere away from minors. According to Barbara Mantel. “Private sales — at gun shows, online or person-to person — are exempt, yet they may account for 30 to 40 percent of firearms sales.” So according to this information people are getting guns with out a background check, this is bad because 30 to 40 percent of the population is buying guns without a license or anything. Maybe terrorist are part of that percent, and they can star something terrible that’s why it has to be control, this kinds of sales are not safe. Some people might be selling guns to someone crazy. Guns sales should also be control, so that not anyone could sell guns because how can someone be trusted is that person is selling guns out in the streets. Because those guns might not be register, and usually criminals are the ones that buy unregister weapons. According to Barbara Mantel the author of should lawmakers tighten firearm restrictions? “Criminals don 't register guns. That 's why, even where registration is required, the police

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