Persuasive Essay: Should Assault Weapons Be Banned

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Assault weapons are dangerous for everyday people to just be carrying around (“ For Lives And Liberty”). According to Webster's Dictionaries, the term “assault weapon” is used in the United States to define specific types of firearms. The definition varies among regulating jurisdictions, but usually includes semi-automatic firearms with a detachable magazine and a pistol grip, and sometimes other features such as a flash suppressor or barrel shroud. Assault weapons have were banned in the year 1994 and brought back in the year 2004. Due to the danger they pose to public safety, assault weapons should be banned.
First, civilians should not be carrying assault weapons. Assault weapons are too dangerous because nobody know if they are looking to hurt someone ( “Hickey” “In One Chart”). Some people will buy an assault weapon and use that for conditions that are dreadful and illegal. When someone buys an assault weapon people at home could get hurt or even killed and people lives are at risk. The law of assault weapon ban should be confirmed so there is no risk of injury. The only reason people should have an assault weapon in hand is if someone is a cop or part of the military. …show more content…

Somebody could accidentally fire the assault weapon and someone could get injured. People could injure themselves when they carry around guns. People could go around doing dreadful duds with an assault weapon because an assault rifle if they have that fires 100 bullets a minute. Assault weapons carry more negative consequences than positive, people are not teaching their children a correct example by carrying around assault weapons and if they have a gun in their house with children because everyone knows they are very sneaky, say someone gets their hands on an assault weapon the end result probably won’t be too thrilling (“Miller” “The Assault Weapon

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