Persuasive Essay Pro Death Penalty

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The death penalty. It is a punishment handed down for the most heinous of crimes. The words themselves evoke many, many passionate emotions. The arguments, both for and against, are endless and it seems most of them have merit. In the end, it is ourselves who have to decide what we believe in.

The state of Texas is well known as being one of the leading states in the number of executions carried out annually. I myself am pro death penalty. I have a background in law enforcement, having been a licensed Texas peace officer since 1996. On December 7, 1997, (ironically this was Pearl Harbor Day), as rookie deputy sheriff working narcotics east Texas, I was a victim of an attempted assassination. I still carry a bullet in my left arm from that …show more content…

Three quarters of all these criminals keep getting out and committing even more crimes. This cycle repeats itself over and over. You might ask yourself where the justice is for these victims. For some of them even death will not erase the pain and suffering they have been exposed to. I sincerely believe that some crimes are not punished enough. For instance, in the case of pedophiles, how is a lengthy prison sentence a just punishment? These monsters have stolen the innocence away from these kids. No matter how much counseling and love they receive, nothing will erase the horror of what they have endured. The pedophile is not suffering in the least sitting in prison. They are usually segregated from the rest of the prison population due to the fact that even the most hardened criminals hate pedophiles. (This in itself speaks volumes.) These monsters spend their time reading, listening to music, exercising, watching TV, getting and education. They get medical care, meals and clothing. All courtesy of the taxpayer. All the while the victim is living with the memory of the horror of what they have experienced. This kind of crime is one I believe should be a death penalty

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