Persuasive Essay On World Hunger

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World hunger is currently a very important and serious crisis that is affecting a lot of third world countries. Many people and children are losing their lives due to not having enough food. As a result, many charities around the globe are assisting in relieving this issue by providing all of the necessary resources that are required to end or reduce this crisis. These charities help reduce world hunger and cure the effects that come with it by providing food for the children, combating poverty, and restoring malnourished children to health. The problem of hunger and its causes is not an easy issue to solve. 925 million people are hungry today and that number is increasing (“What we do”). Hunger comes with very catastrophic and traumatic effects …show more content…

Solutions that include, “Sustainable farming techniques, nutritional plants, and appropriate technologies” (“What We Do,” 2015). ECHO serves as an information center for those fighting hunger worldwide by teaching them efficient and effective ways to grow more food. Having Regional Impact Centers that are located all across the world provides rapid help to farmers that need them. Help such as, improving food production, setting up farms for small-scale farmers, and providing vital nutrition to families. In addition to providing information, ECHO’s co-founder discovered a vegetable called Moringa which became a very notable and highly sought after seed at ECHO (“About Moringa,” 2015). Moringa provides foods and nutrition that are high in proteins, vitamins, and minerals, which is very important for developing children to combat the problem of malnourishment. ECHO offers hope for families and communities who are suffering starvation; educating people with skills and resources in order to face the problems that come with hunger and to reduce hunger as a …show more content…

Due to the mass amount of staff that works in over 45 countries, Action Against Hunger has managed to reach and assist more than thirteen million people in 2014 alone that are suffering this disease (“Programs,” 2015). Through their approach to hunger, safe water, sanitation, and hygiene services, Action Against Hunger is saving children that are facing illnesses and diseases that originate from malnourishment (“Programs,” 2015). Action Against Hunger manages to help communities by adapting to a community’s specific needs, boosting agricultural production, helping local markets, and exposing communities to long-lasting sources of food (“Programs,” 2015). Not only does Action Against Hunger greatly combat malnutrition, they also help refugee camps that are infested in diseases as well as, assist communities in recovering from natural disasters (“Programs,”

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