Persuasive Essay On Wild Horses

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As tourists wander the trails of Mesa Verde National Park they might see wild horse and elk competing for the same water source. Wild horses from the nearby Ute Mountain Ute Reserve wander into Mesa Verde on a daily basis. The horses have been around since the opening of the park in 1906, but with recent water shortages from drought, there is not enough water to fulfill the needs of all the animals in the park. Since the horses are considered trespassing, the National Park Service and The Bureau of Land Management are trying to find a way to keep the horses away from the park. The wild horses of Mesa Verde National Park deserve to live in the park even though the horses have caused some complications within Mesa Verde, and the National Park Service needs to provide better management services for the horses. For centuries, the wild horses have roamed the Colorado Plateau and they should be able to continue living in the park. The horse population of Colorado has dropped ninety-eight percent since the 1800s. This is mainly because the BLM has rounded up many of the herds from the Mesa Verde area. Contrary to many people's beliefs, horses are not a nuisance to the park because they are a native species. The horses are in the park to get the food and water they need to survive in a …show more content…

Recently, sensor cameras have been monitoring a few water sources in the park showing twenty-four percent of the time there were elk chasing horses. These observations show horses are not the only ones competing for water. Also, horses have been accused of trampling and causing erosion at the historical sites in the park; however, other wildlife contribute to the same type of damage in the park. Since horses are kept away from natural water sources, they are attracted to any place in the park that has water, such as restrooms, restaurants, and septic

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