Persuasive Essay On Why I Hate Weeds

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I am ashamed to admit how much I hate weeds. I have devoted entire summers to eradicating them, researching and studying, scheming and scheduling, recruiting help and putting in backbreaking hours. Yet despite the effort, like Wylie Coyote, I have failed. Weeds have so many hiding places; they produce so many seeds; they are so persistent. The professionals will tell you weeds cannot be extirpated, they can only be managed. I am not really at peace with that yet, but I do take solace in knowing that I have developed at least some expertise; and although I can’t win the war, I can perhaps win enough battles to hold my weeds at bay. And this is how. Watch for enemies on the horizon. Keep weeds off your property in the first place. Learn to identify the plants already there and to notice newcomers. Don’t give unknowns the benefit of the doubt. Once a weed establishes a foothold, your Saturdays will be gone, your budget shot. Early detection is key. Patrol your borders, especially near your driveway and the …show more content…

Herbicides differ not only in their toxicity, but also in what they kill, how they kill, and when. There are two types of herbicide, each formulated to interfere with one or another phase of a plant’s life cycle. Post-emergence herbicides like glyphosate interfere with photosynthesis. They affect green, growing plants that are actively attempting to photosynthesize. Pre-emergence herbicides do not affect growing plants; instead, they prevent seeds from germinating. Which herbicide will best control the weed on your property? Controlling weeds requires more than just killing a particular plant or handful of plants; it requires preventing offspring, too. A few weeds are not so bad, really; it’s the thousands of offspring that cause problems. To insure that you both kill the weed and prevent it from reproducing, you must know a little about its life cycle. How does it spread? When? Begin by identifying the

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