Persuasive Essay On Why Do We Need To Believe In Superheroes

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The people of the world need to stop believing in superheroes.
“Why must we stop believing?” you ask, well, the answer is quite simple; Because they don’t exist. And neither do their super villain counterparts. We don’t have power hungry Dr Octopus’s creating drugs to take over the world, or people like the Joker destroying everyone and everything in the way just for fun. So if there is no such thing as evil villains or Kryptonite, why is there a need to believe in superheroes?
Companies such as Marvel are filling people’s heads with nonsense and the belief that a superhero with special powers will save them from danger. The children of today are being fed a false sense of security by being told that Batman will save the world from the “baddies”, when in fact, he won’t. It’s not very likely that Spiderman will swing through your window to stop a robber from assaulting you, or Iron Man will destroy giant robots that have come to blow up an entire city. If we keep poisoning our children’s minds with these lies, the next generation will not stand up for themselves, and stand against corruption, but sit back and expect Superman to stop the evil. …show more content…

The true corruption of the world lies with those who hold the most power and influence, and they are our politicians and governments. While some world leaders are truly genuine, the governments of other countries such as the U.S.A have proven to be duplicitous. Take the U.S financing Osama Bin Laden for example. They gave him millions of dollars to fund his earlier missions against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan, and kept it quiet from the public. And didn’t that turn out well for all involved? This led to Osama becoming the most wanted terrorist in the world for committing crimes against humanity, and contributed to the deaths of millions of

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