Persuasive Essay On Vegetarian Animal Abuse

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A lot of us think anything of what we eat or how it got there. The truth is that meat once was a breathing animal that had a soul. Maybe next time you order your favorite meat at your favorite restaurant, think about what that animal went through for you to enjoy it. I understand this is a way for someone to make a living but they are way to do this without the need for abuse. Having a vegetarian diet could have some benefits to animals, and your health. Put yourself in the animal’s shoes, and think about the pain slaughterhouses can cause. This is a reality that a lot of us don’t think about and is affecting millions of animal that are kill yearly for food. People like to keep this thought in the back of their heads that these animals live on big farms where they are treated with dignity and then put through a peaceful and painless death. Unfortunately that is not the case as these …show more content…

These animals have been known to go to great lengths to escape slaughterhouses. More than 41,000,000 of these animals are kill each year in the United States to make a profit of an in humane act. When they are young they get marked with hot irons and there testicles cut off. The cows who survive the process are shot and hung upside down, with their throats cut open. Some of these animals remain conscious throughout the entire process. Some of these cows go through so much abuse that if they were cats or dogs these owners could face felony charges. You may think how come there is such a difference between abusing a cow or any other domestic pet and the answer is we like steaks so much that we approve of this but eating a cat or a dog, no one will want to eat that so we need to protect them. While waiting to be slaughter in some cases they don’t receive the appropriate treatment and some of them end up dying from injuries or from infections. Many have die of heat strokes during summer and winter due to the freezing

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