Persuasive Essay On Vaping Vs Smoking

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Vaping has been sweeping the nation over the past few years. It’s popularity is increasing by the day, and for good reason. It has many benefits over traditional combustible smoking. If you are considering making the leap from smoking to vaping, here’s what you need to know in a nutshell.

The difference between vaping and smoking
Many people do not understand the difference between vaping and smoking traditional cigarettes, and mistakenly think that vapers are just trading one vice for another. That’s not true. There are some important differences between the two, all of which will point to the fact that vaping is the safer and healthier choice.
Cigarettes and other traditional smoking methods all produce toxic tar. This substance is exactly …show more content…

These ingredients have no known harmful effects on the human body, even nicotine. On the other hand, cigarettes contain several ingredients that are harmful including Hydrogen Cyanide, Carbon Monoxide, Formaldehyde and countless chemicals, many of which are known to cause cancer.

Benefits over smoking?
There is no doubt that vaping is far safer from a health standpoint than smoking traditional cigarettes is. But, there are other benefits you can derive from vaping as well.
If you crave flavor, vaping is definitely for you. Cigarettes have one flavor — nasty. But, when you vape, you have the availability of different e-juice flavors. Some people even think the various flavors are an integral part of helping them quit squares for good.
Cigarettes not only smell, the smoke leaves a residue and ends up making everything you own stink. Vaping eliminates this issue. They produce no residue so there is no lingering odor on anything.
Smoking can consume your entire life. Since it is so addictive, it can take on a life of its own and rule everything you do. Vaping does not have the same addictive properties, so you can control when you vape rather than have smoking control

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