Persuasive Essay On The Holocaust

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“It's high time that Christians made up their minds to do something . . . What are we going to show in the way of resistance-as compared to the Communists, for instance-when all this terror is over? We will be standing empty-handed. We will have no answer when we are asked: What did you do about it? ”

― Hans Scholl

The Holocaust was a mass genocide group lead by the Nazis from January 1933, to May 1945. The Chancellor of Germany named Adolph Hitler set out to form the perfect race, which in his mind was anyone with blonde hair and blue eyes. Hitler blamed the Jews for all the wrongs going on in the world, and round them up and put them in mass murder camps, or concentration camps. Not only did he round up Jews, but he also rounded up Homosexuals, …show more content…

They were also guided by their Philosophy professor. The group became known for their leaflet campaign which was anonymous. The reason the group was started was to go against the Nazis, because the mass genocide was wrong ("The White Rose Revolt & Resistance Www.Holocaustresearchproject.Org").

After many people hearing about the " White Rose", the group expanded to Hamburg, Freiburg, Berlin, and Vienna. They mailed leaflets that rebuked the Nazi establishment. In high ambition of stopping the war, they sabotaged the industry for armaments. The students knew that only one millitary force could end the war so, they limited their aims against the movement ("White Rose").

On February 18, 1943, Hans' and his sister Sophie had their luck run empty. The two were caught leaving leaflets at their university, which resulted in their arrest. After a long search, Christoph Probst was also arrested. The three of them were scheduled for sedition. On February 22nd, their trial officially began. The judge who was appointed was named Roland Freisler. He acted as if he were the prosecutor and not the judge, because his future was at stake. Because the party admitted everything, no witnesses were called ("The White Rose - A Lesson In

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